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The atmosphere is an essential component of all ecological systems on Earth. The atmosphere plays a critical role in regulating global, regional and local climate and is essential in supporting life on Earth. Oxygen is required for life, stratospheric ozone protects us from harmful solar radiation, and greenhouse gases help to maintain a temperature range suitable for life.
Greenhouse gases (primarily carbon dioxide and methane) occur naturally in the atmosphere, trapping the sun's warmth to enable the Earth's surface temperature to support life. Human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels (e.g. coal, oil and gas), have increased the atmospheric concentrations of these gases, which means they trap more heat, thereby contributing to global warming and climate change. (Endnote 1)
In the decade to 2010, Australia's greenhouse gas emissions increased by 10%, rising from 494.3 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent gases in 2000 to 542.7 million tonnes in 2010. Although emissions increased for most of the decade, there was a decrease in 2009 and again in 2010 from a peak of 549.5 million tonnes in 2008.
The decline in overall greenhouse gas emissions between 2008 and 2010 was contributed to by declines in emissions from several areas. Relating to a broader economic slowdown at the time, there were declines in emissions from both fuel combustion within manufacturing industries and construction, and from metal production. In the agriculture sector, there were reductions in emissions from both controlled burning, which can be quite variable, and from livestock.(Endnote 2)
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Footnote(s): (a) National Inventory Total excluding the 'Land use, land use change and forestry' sector.
Source(s): Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, National Greenhouse Gas Inventory, 2012..